
I retooled the email communications for the Sonos CRM team’s Holiday and New Owner Engagement Segments.

I worked with developers to expand the grid to allow more complex messaging to be more clearly understood, and I integrated subtle product animations into Sonos email communications.


Art direction and design for Current, a mobile banking and financial technology company.

I worked with Current to refine their existing identity by leveraging brand elements that had equity and recoginition in the financial tech space.

Steiner Grant Brand Identity

Brand identity created for Steiner Grant, a women-owned PR firm based in Ohio.

Steiner Grant’s approach to working with clients is measured and delibrate. They embed themselves within the organizations they work with, creating collaborative relationships that make enduring solutions.

Art Damage Lodge: Flyers 2007–2010

The Art Damage Lodge was a space dedicated to presenting experimental, noise and underground music in Cincinnati, Ohio.

I was commissioned by the No Response Festival to design a book celebrating the history of the Art Damage Lodge, as told through the artwork of its flyers. For the design of this publication, I presented the table of contents for each year of the Lodge's existence as a series of thumbnails to facilitate a visual exploration of the book, as opposed to a textual one.

Cincinnati Art Museum

Interactive learning experience for the revamped antiquities collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum.

I was part of a team tasked with designing an experience that would allow visitors to engage with the collection in a geohistorical context and to learn about the commonalities and differences between the Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman cultures.